Love, Brittney

Friday, June 5, 2009

Why I should bring a camera to work…

Or at least have a working camera phone.

A little background… I am the Receptionist Extraordinaire/Admin where I work. So I sit front and center of our main floor in the Triad, but I am the Receptionist/Admin for 3 floors. Most days I feel less like a Receptionist and more like a babysitter. I work with 300 Engineers, which translates to 300 men. They are fun and I love them all, but they surely are a lot of work… every time I walk into the supply closet, I find a mess. They leave drawers open, and if they decide they don't want a certain object, instead of putting it back, they leave it on the counter.

One of my lovelier duties is the role of Fridge Nazi! Along with a co-worker, who, for his own safety, will remain anonymous, I clean out the fridge weekly. This brilliant engineer has come up with a system that works quite nicely. Every week we put florescent orange CONDEMNED stickers on all the items in the fridge. The food owners have a week to claim these items. See picture below:At the end of the week, all items that still have the sticker on them are tossed. Thus the fridge is kept free of moldy, nasty food. It is a genius system. Last week we ran out of stickers mid fridge cleanse, and so I ran and printed a couple more sheets. I left the extra ones next to my desk, and ran to finish the job. They are still sitting here. Smiling up at me.

Another of my jobs is to maintain the porcelain dish on the top of my desk. When I started work here, it was full of hand sanitizer packets. Most of the guys love them! The rest look at me like I'm awful for not stocking candy, and make comments. So I ran out of the packets and went to order more – but the site I am authorized to order from doesn't stock them! The closest I could find was Bausch&Lomb Respirator and Equipment Wipes. I figured that was close enough, and honestly who would actually read the labels on them? Most don't, but I have had some interesting looks and conversations about the wipes. Oh well. So one day I decided to give the guys a break and I ordered candy. I was the new awesomest person in the office. But they went through it like crazy, and yesterday the last piece was gone. So I went back to the Respirator and Equipment wipes. I joked with one of the guys that he needed to get more – as he ate them all (While he didn't eat them all – he surely ate more than anyone else).

So the other day I walk up to my desk, and there, upside down right in my way is a chair. What a delight. My first thought is, "why?? Why do you do this stuff to me?" Upon closer examination, I realized that the chair was missing a wheel. So someone tipped it upside down in my way so I wouldn't miss the fact that it was missing a wheel. I walked around to the other side, ready to right it – and there, stuck on the bottom where the wheel was missing, someone had stuck a CONDEMNED sticker. I laughed so hard for far too long… it was so funny. A picture moment wasted.

I walked in this morning, and there, right next to my keyboard is a huge pile of Respirator and Equipment wipes. I'm thinking, again, "why?? Why do you do this stuff to me?" when I look up and notice that the porcelain dish is now full of candy! The really good spearmint lifesavers and jolly ranchers! And in a cute decorative pattern, some of the Respirator and Equipment wipes were staggered on the outside, creating a border for the candy. The guy who had generously helped eat the first round of candy had waited until I left yesterday and re-filled it. How cute!

My third office photo moment was a month or so ago… someone stuck a Post-It note to my laptop that said: Brittney CTR

I have NO idea who did it or why…

I LOVE MY JOB! Obviously…. Who wouldn't love a job like this!?

Disclaimer – I do do LOTS of other tasks bedsides these random things!



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Blogger Henderson Family said...

Oh Brittney, any moment with you is hilarious. I love you for it.

June 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, Brittney this had me laughing way hard. Taylor came running to see what could possibly be so funny. I want your job. I don't laugh this hard at my job. Oh, I don't have a job. Maybe that is why I am not laughing.

June 18, 2009 at 4:36 AM  

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