Love, Brittney

Monday, January 20, 2020

Twins - 4 & 5 years old!

I can't believe our little twins are 5. 5 seems so old. 4 still seems like a baby, but 5 seems more in the kid lane than baby. Theses little guys have been the best, most amazing gift to Trevor and I. I am not going to lie - age 3 was so good. Then 4 hit and it was intense!

We went to California with Trevor for a business trip and stayed in a hotel for almost a month. It was really hard on Savannah. She doesn't do well with change at all. Salem had a rough time as she was teething and still having her tummy troubles. And we all were sharing a small hotel room. It was intense but we also had a lot of fun.  We went to Disney Land on the way back to Utah and that was seriously indescribably fun. My mom was so nice and watched Salem for 1.5 of the 3 days so we were able to get all of the bigger rides in before we had her. We went to Disney on the first day, and then California Adventure the second day and back to Disney for the last day. We all had so much fun and Salem did amazing at Disney Land which was so nice. I am so grateful we were able to go. We stayed at the Disney hotel which was seriously so fun! We took the twins on some of the bigger rides first since we didn't have the baby. Savannah hated the Matterhorn and cried. The monster scared them both but Savannah especially. One thing we have learned since Disney Land and having Lagoon passes this year is Savannah doesn't love big roller coasters. We took them on space mountain and it was way too intense for Oliver, and poor Savannah cried and cried and cried... the second day we took them to California Adventure to Cars land. And on the little kid rides Savannah would start screaming "is there a monster!? Is a monster going to jump out at me!?" Hahaha. We felt pretty bad we had scared her so much with the big rides.

On the California trip, we went to a Redwood forest and got stuck at the top of the mountain on a train and had to walk down. We went to San Francisco and had sushi.

The twins did pre-school at Leap'n'Learners again and loved it again! They made a good friend, Zeke.

They are the best big brother and big sister to our baby, Salem. When she was a little baby, she had so many issues nursing, eating, with gas, with teething... she required a lot of my time. And they were so good at just playing together for hours while I was with the baby. They made it so much easier on me when they would just play so well together.

In January Oliver got really sick. 103+ fever for 2 days. He had me so worried. He woke up the 3rd morning at 4am screaming and puking and acting like he was in so much pain. I thought for sure his appendix had burst so I rushed him to the ER and he is literally FOAMING AT THE MOUTH in the back seat and I am beyond panicked. I rush him in and they assess him and it appears to be he is weird so he was making his spit foam and he was just nauseous. All told we spent over $2000 to find out Oliver is a pansy when he is nauseous.  It was a really rough winter for us for illness though. I had so hoped that 4 would be better than 3 as far as their being premature causes their weaker immune systems.

We got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas and that has been a fun family thing. Oliver is especially obsessed. And when I say obsessed that doesn't cover the half of it.

We had a fun summer taking classes from the City Parks, playing at parks, the Dinosaur Museum, the zoo, play dates with friends, fun at home and fun in the backyard and so much fun at Lagoon!! We got season passes to Lagoon this year and we were a little hesitant that maybe they were too young but we ended up absolutely loving it! We would often go in the evening after Trevor got off work and it was cooler and not as busy and just so fun to be there as a family.


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