Love, Brittney

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Savannah Comes Home

I cried.


For days.

Not because I was so happy she was coming home (sorry Sav) but because I was so upset to be leaving Oliver behind. Alone. And I felt like the worst mom to be giving her all this time, sleeping with her, etc - while he was alone in the NICU.

This was the 2nd hardest part of the whole NICU ordeal for me - leaving Oliver behind (the first was those first days when they were on the cpap, billi lights and getting shots, antibiotics, spinal taps... I couldn't hold them or even really see their faces).

Well, now that I've got that out of the way, onto Savannah coming home.

She seriously does make me SO DANG HAPPY.

We had a huge mess up with the oxygen company, so we didn't end up getting it until about 8pm. We were ready to leave when the stickler nurse realized we hadn't watched two of the mandatory discharge videos. UGH.

Pushing her down the hall! Trev's carrying her oxygen and monitor. I walked down this hall at least 4 times a day for so many days. 

Finally home! She's so tiny! 

 Beautiful Savvy Sue! So glad to have her home, even if we did have to leave her brother. 

As much as I cried and it broke my heart to leave Oliver behind - in the end it was a good thing. It gave us time to adjust to being parents with one kid, instead of two. And seriously the whole coming home on oxygen thing is the suckiest thing EVER. Bringing them both home on oxygen probably would have killed us. That first night was really stressful, trying to get the stupid oximeter on her foot properly so it would read correctly and the monitor would stop FREAKING BEEPING. We didn't sleep at all that first night, with the beeping monitor freaking us out every couple of minutes. After almost a month in the NICU, bringing her home without all the nurses, doctors and monitors was really scary. 

But, we made it! And we love having this girl home. I love snuggling her at night and not having to leave her.

Now to get her poky brother home!


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