Love, Brittney

Friday, August 29, 2014

Twins - 35 Weeks

The twins will be 35 weeks tomorrow. I have not kept documentation of this time like I would have liked.

Our days look something like this:

Get up at 5am and Trev drops me off at the NICU at 5:50 so he is at work at 6am.

I spend the morning with the babies. At first I could only hold them once a day (if even) and the nurse had to approve it. They would open the isolette and gather all the cords and hand me my baby.

And I pump. I feel like all I do all day and night is willingly attach my breasts to an electronic torture device.

Once they were off the billiruben lights, had their IV’s out, and were stable enough, they could move to an open crib (or a plastic tub on wheels as Bob calls it… which is exactly what it is). This is when the NICU  became tolerable and not a constant crying fest (I did the crying. The twins are so well mannered).

Once I could hold them whenever I wanted and we started breast feeding, it got a lot easier on me. I finally felt like their mom and not a bystander.

Anyways, I get there at 6ish. I spend the morning pumping, breast feeding, holding, changing diapers, taking temperatures and watching the monitors.

Trev comes for lunch and to see the twins, or we grab food.

Trev goes back to work and I resume the feeding, pumping, changing, monitor watching.

Depending on the schedule that day various scenarios of twin loving goes down. Most days Trev doesn’t get off football until 9 or 10 (it’s actually gotten a little better the last couple days with him getting done with football earlier) and we don’t get home till 11ish.

Then we are up at 5 to do it all again. For the last 3 weeks. At first I would try and come in a little later, since I was still recovering. But it’s just too dang hard to be away from these babies. And I’d just sit at home and cry, so going in with Trev is the best option. If only we had 2 cars…

The twins are doing FANTASTICALLY! In fact, Loki will most likely be discharged tomorrow (Saturday, August 30th).  Which would be amazing if Thor was coming with her. He is at least a week away from coming home.

Once she is discharged, Savannah can’t come back into the NICU. Which means I have to try and be a mom to both premature babies at the same time when they can’t be in the same place.

My heart is completely broken to be taking Loki home without Thor. To leave him alone at the NICU without his sister, without me as often to hold him and love him. And then when I am with him, Savannah is without me.

I have been an emotional wreck the last couple of days as we near her discharge. With them both in the NICU I can spend my whole day with them. Once Savannah comes home I won’t be able to.

Anyways, that is a summary of the last while.  I have so many pictures and little details I don’t want to forget, like their first baths or the time Thor peed on me, Trevor and a nurse all in one day, or Savannah’s diaper blowouts.

Until Thor comes home, our days will be much busier, we will be living on way less sleep and I’ll be kind of a mess.

I can’t wait to have my babies both home!


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