Love, Brittney

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brittney Rocks!

Behind my desk is a big flat screen that is connected to a computer in the back. It displays the projects our engineers are working on, their progress, testing, bugs, etc. Red is bad, green is good. Whenever is in red, that is really bad, I’ve come to learn.

So I walk in this morning, and right there, above my desk...

Someone went into the back, switched the view from the screen above my desk to the computer, opened a NotePad document, typed Brittney rocks! and then switched the view back to the big screen. I have NO idea who did it. NO idea. Most people don't even know the computer is back there, or that it controls the screen above my desk. The capability to switch the view to the computer (which allows typing) is BRAND new, as of this Monday. I realize I work with computer engineers, but how did they know the capability was there and which buttons to press?

I asked a co-worker to take the picture, because as obvious from my earlier posts, I don't have a camera – and this was too great not to get a photo of. Right as he went to take it, the phone rang. So I ended up in it. I guess it is fitting, right? Notice my dress? I just got it for really cheap and I LOVE it. So, for all of you who wondered, this is where I work.

See the white ceramic dish on the desk? Can you picture the Respirator Wipes story just a little bit better? And picture an upside down chair next to my chair, and you have the imagery down.

This really is a great place to work. Have I mentioned I love my co-workers? It is like having 300 big brothers/dads. They council me, ask me about my love life, set me up with their sons, and quite frequently, make my life much more interesting.

Dads and brothers are fun and entertaining, but they are a lot of work. 300 of them is a mess. Literally. The supply closet is always disheveled. They take out a pen, and then decide they don’t want it – so they put it on the counter and leave the drawer open. Thanks, guys.

Although working for the LDS Church has always been my dream - I thought I would be working with, a lot of the time, people who were really self righteous, judgmental - which is inevitable anywhere there is a high population of members. But that is not the case at all. Everyone I work with is so nice, so friendly and just really loves the Gospel and wants to work here. I love praying in meetings, and listening to these great men pray. They have taught me a lot about sincere prayer. It is interesting to work in a place where the Department Cultural Beliefs are:

Receive Revelation: I call down the Lord’s help in doing my work to aid in exalting the human family.

Be Positive: I contribute to a positive and optimistic work enviorment.

Help Others Succeed: I am successful only when those whom I work with and serve are successful.

Speak Up: I professionally challenge, ask questions, propose alternatives, and exchange feedback.

Make it Simple: I communicate clearly and avoid complexity in my work products and processes.

The guys really do hold true to these values. They understand they are working for something great – to expand the Church, to help build up the Kingdom of God. Everyone is so happy, so helpful, so generous and nice. In the 3 months I’ve been here, I have had one person be rude to me (and it was over the elevators. How stupid).

The Church is true! The people working for the Church are doing their best, and full of the Spirit.

This is a great place to work. I really do love my co-workers… how could I not?


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Blogger Henderson Family said...

That sounds like such a great place to work. Although Randy doesn't work for the church, he is lucky enough to work in an awesome atmosphere where they pray and talk about gospel related things. It really makes all the difference!!!

June 18, 2009 at 2:51 PM  

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