Love, Brittney

Friday, July 16, 2010

Postastickundance and the Grandiloquent Dictionary

I love words. I love to read. I love the English language. I love old speak – I wish we spoke like that now - “Pray tell” – being one of my all time favorite terms.

Speaking in the olden days was an art. Words and sentences were constructed carefully, and were eloquent to say the least.

Now we barely speak.

“Whr R u?”



Bugs me.

Anyways, one of the guys I work with knows my love of words and he came across a fabulous find:

Yeah, baby.

I’ve had a ridiculous amount of fun going through the words. My favorite so far is:

Oculoplania - Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charm.

Now that is a good word. It completely describes, in my opinion, the dating/ boy/girl scene.

I’ve also learned there are a million different forms of divination. My favorite thus far is:

Omoplatoscopy - Divination involving a shoulder blade which has been charred or cracked from a fire.

Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? I love the divination words. It makes me think of the witch hunt days, and the fact that this really must happen - or there wouldn't be a word for it.

I also learned I suffer from:

Obdormition - The feeling one gets when a limb "falls asleep"


Obesophobia -The fear of gaining weight

and I do not suffer from:

Omphalopsychite - One who contemplates their naval
I highly recommend perusing this fantastic compilation of words.
I've only made it through the O's - and already I've learned so much.

On a side note, Julie and I found a need for a word describing our current work situation – the state of being overrun by Post-It notes.

So, we created our own word:


We feel it clearly articulates our desk space/work environment.

The question now, I suppose, is how to make it an official word? Maybe the Grandiloquent Dictionary will add it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this--I just wish if I learned cool new words I would remember them, remember when to use them and use them!! Do you actually remember them and use them?

June 29, 2011 at 10:40 PM  

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