Love, Brittney

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Abha - Airport and Abha Palace

We landed in the tiny Abha airport, and Dad went to figure out how to get to our hotel, while we got the luggage.

Then we waited. And waited.

Dad didn't come back. We got a little worried... I mean, it usually takes Dad A LONG time to figure out all the arrangements, but this hotel is TINY and he had been gone for 45 minutes... so Taylor set off to find him. In his usual charismatic, confident way, Taylor walked up to a military guard, shook his hand, introduced himself, and the guy took Taylor to find Dad. They didn't find him, but the guard informed Taylor he was also a part time tour guide, and he had a day off tomorrow and would love to show us around. For free.

Dad finally showed up (over an hour later... still not sure where he went or what all took that long...). There were some complications with our hotel reservation. Namely, that the hotel we made reservations with (and called to confirm) was shut down for the winter months. Our new Saudi military guard friend, Faraj, told us about a hotel, the Abha Palace. He called them up, made the reservations and arranged for someone to come get us. 

The hotel was incredible. Abha was incredible. I've wanted to come to Abha for years and years.

That night we ordered room service.

The next morning, we slept in (awesome!) and Camree, Bob and I went to breakfast late, so we were the only people in the dining room. The view was incredible. The food was incredible. Seriously, one of the nicest hotels I've stayed in.

There was an amusement park behind the hotel, complete with a rollarcoaster.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superb Pics , i miss my home town

June 21, 2011 at 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the post ..

Riaan Drever
Rooms Divisions Manager
Abha Palace

November 3, 2011 at 12:42 PM  

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