Love, Brittney

Monday, November 10, 2014

Twins - 3 Months Old!

Time is flying by. My pregnancy seemed an eternity, but their little lives are flying by.

They are gestationally one month old, but have been alive for three months.


Our little diva. She sleeps in the most adorable diva poses. This girl always has her hand curled on her chin or forehead.

She's smiling! Melts our hearts. It's still completely random. Doesn't seem to be related to anything we're doing or seeing our faces when she wakes up, but she'll give us some good smiles a couple times a day. They are getting more and more frequent.

She will push our hands away if she doesn't want her bottle anymore.

We got her tongue tie clipped and she LOVES HER BINKIE. Before the clipping, she wouldn't take a binkie at all. Now she's all about the binkie. She just sucks that thing and it's so dang cute. She'll suck herself to sleep which is great.

She has incredible head control. It's amazing. She loves to hold herself up and look around.

She loves to look around and take things in. You can tell she's looking at her surroundings (versus just staring at our faces).

She's starting to self sooth better and do alone time better. She'll sit in her swing or on the activity mat and look around for longer than she used to.

She HATES tummy time. She screams the whole time. But she can get on her knees and elbows in crawling position. She doesn't try to crawl, but she gets in the position. She doesn't try too much to roll over, she's usually screaming too much, but occasionally she will and she gets close to rolling over.

She will stand with her own weight. You have to hold her hands tightly, but she'll stand.

She's so much more interactive. We love it!

She's in a new phase where she fights sleep. That is no bueno. She'll be exhausted but she fights it. She will only sleep in her swing with her binkie (you have to put her in it dead asleep) or in our arms. I'll finally get her to sleep and as soon as put her down, she's awake. It's terrible. The only way to get her to sleep at night is in her swing.

She will occasionally coo.

She doesn't seem too interested in her brother. At all.

She LOVES LOVES LOVES to be held and snuggled.

She's had major issues with her bowels and been on prune juice, and upgraded to miralax. She's also on reflux meds. She still spits up all the time. And she poops out her diaper all the time. All her clothes are stained.

She likes baths.

She has slept up to 6 hours at night!

She is starting to notice the hanging toys on her swing and activity mat. She'll look at them and occasionally try to swat at them.

She loves to sit up. Of course she needs to be supported (I put her in the corner of the couch) but her head control is good enough she can sit up, and she just loves it.


He seems to be about 3 weeks behind Savannah. He is just so dang cute. While Savannah is starting to make all these developments, our little dude is still very much like a newborn. Savannah started to take off with all these developments about 3 weeks ago, so I'm hoping he is going to start taking off soon. Savannah seemed to do these things over night, so any day now for Ollie hopefully!

He LOVES to be snuggled and cuddled and held.

He will self sooth like a pro. I can get him fed and changed and put him in his crib with a binkie and he will lay there totally content and go to sleep when he's tired.

He used to view tummy time as nap time, but he is starting to not like it as much. He has rolled over twice, about a month apart. When he's on his tummy he tries so hard to roll over. He focuses so hard on it and gets so close. It's amazing. He's been doing this for months now.

He loves to eat. He's now way out-eating Savannah. Both in quantity and frequency.

He's gaining weight great and is starting to look closer in size to Sav than prior.

He likes baths.

He seems to love his sister. He likes to put his head on her shoulder and touch her face.

He's so hard to get to burp.

He spits up. Oh, he spits up. Like faucet quantity. It's awful. He's spit up so much he's choked multiple times and it totally freaks us out.

He's doing so much better with eating. Up until less than a week ago, he still could only really eat from his one slow flow bottle. I tried to give him a different bottle a week ago and it was too much for him. But as of a couple of days ago, he's eating great out of any bottle I give him!

He will kind of stand up when we hold him up. He is putting more weight on his legs than ever before.

He loves to stare at us. Especially when we are feeding him. He'll stare at us the entire time.

He will sleep about 4 hours at night. He did 5 once, but 4 is about his longest stretch.

He's such a good baby. He just loves being held and cuddled. As long as he's fed and clean he's a happy dude. I can lay him on the floor for hours and he will lay there awake just hanging out.

He's just barely starting to fight naps. He will be awake up to 4 hours in a stretch and maybe sleep 5-30 minutes and wake right back up again.

He will push your hand away if he's done eating.

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