Love, Brittney

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Protection in Pakistan

I AM GOING TO PAKISTAN! I can't hardly wait! My bestest friend in the entire world is getting married the week of July 9th, 2012.

I am so excited and thrilled that I got a Visa. Visas to Pakistan are hard to come by these days, especially for a white Christian girl. I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to take 2 weeks off of work, and spend 2 weeks with Samar. One week before her wedding (in which she wants to skydive. She wants to skydive with me. I want to not skydive. I have a feeling I won't be winning this argument, and if I don't die from skydiving itself, I'll die from fright. Or as I told Samar, I'll pee over the entire Emirate. The whole way down) and then the week of the wedding. She's getting all my clothes made, and I am just so excited about the whole thing. More than anything, I can't wait to just spent time with her, and be there for her at this special time in her life.

I'm taking Tae Kwon Do (which will be another post entirely, I am so behind in posts) and Samar mentioned this to her mom. Samar told me today that Ami thought I was taking Tae Kwon Do to protect myself when I come to Pakistan.

She said,

"I hope Brittney knows... Tae kwon Do won't save her in Pakistan... they have guns."

HAHAHA. I died. I laughed so hard. That is the funniest thing I've heard all day long. It's pretty bad (uh, insulting? Embarrassing?) that Ami knows me well, and thinks I'd be insane enough to take Tae Kwon Do to protect myself in Pakistan. HAHAHA.

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