Love, Brittney

Monday, August 12, 2013

Family Fun Weekend

I have no pictures from this weekend, which is sad. It was an amazing weekend, so despite being picture-less, I wanted to document it.

Friday we went to the Bona’s for a BBQ, and the Bolejack’s were there. It was so nice to see everyone. They truly do feel like family.

After, all the kids (Me, Trev, Mikail, Camree, Taylor, Bob, Riley, Chris and Sean) went and watched Princess Bride at the park (movie in the park). Sachi joined us there. That was so much fun! Being outside, watching the best movie ever on the big screen.

After, Riley and Bob slept over at our house.

The next morning Trevor and I went to the doctor about that horrible cough again. It’d been getting worse, regardless of the inhaler and antibiotics.  I was impressed with the doctor’s thoroughness, and he did a chest x-ray and other tests. They confirmed his suspicions – it is an acute asthma. He gave Trevor another inhaler, with steroids. He’s had it 3 days now and already his cough is so much better. I’m so grateful for that.

On the way home we stopped and got Kneaders French toast and brought it home to the girls. I got to wake up Bob – which is one of my favorite things to do.

We all ate breakfast at our new table! I am in love with that table! (I need to post pictures. I got it for my birthday. Also – I am really particular about it – I don’t want any scratches on it. Trevor will just put tools on it and other things, which can scratch it (obviously) and I die inside, but try to remain calm on the outside and not yell at him. So the other day, I put one of our new Calphalon pans in the sink and fill it with water. Then I put another dish inside of it. Trevor lost it! He was not happy about that. I think it is hysterical – he’ll scratch the table and not care – but I put a dish inside one of our pans filled with water – and that isn’t ok. It’s funny what we are each particular about, or what really bothers us/means a lot to us). This is the first time since getting it we’ve had four around it, so it was fun (ok I realize that sounds super lame – but I LOVE that table!).

We then drove to Thanksgiving Point, where we dropped the girls off to see the new Percy Jackson movie (Bob to watch it, Riley to check out the actor) and Trevor and I went to his work BBQ. It was fun to meet a couple of his co-workers and to just spend time outside with Trevor.

We picked the girls up, drove back to our house and watched some shark week. We then dropped Riley off at her Grandpa’s house, and wen to our ward BBQ for a bit. Then we drove to Provo to spend time with my dad before he flies home. We watched Tommy Boy, which I’d never seen. I could have been ok never having seen it.

We drove home late with Bob.

Got up early Sundayto watch Camree, Cody and Taylor SKYDIVE! That was fun to be there for that. Trevor couldn’t come, since he was asked to give the SS lesson. Bob went back with the guys, I drove back home and Trevor and I went to his Grandparents’ house for a family BBQ. That was really fun.

We didn’t get home until probably 9:30. We then turned on Harry Potter (we are watching all of them in a row) and made it to the good part (aka – climax) before falling asleep.

And that was our weekend. We had no time to do anything we needed to, like cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry… But it was worth it. It’s so fun hanging out with my siblings, who I love so much, and my husband.

Next week we’re going to St.George with the guys. GLOW IN THE DARK MINI GOLF!!! WOO WOO!!



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