Love, Brittney

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shoes and Interviews

Trevor had a meeting with JPMorgan Chase today. He was so excited/nervous. Not a job interview, just a meeting with some guys my dad knows through work. Like a mentoring session. Networking. Wasta.

Trevor has been emailing one of the guys for months and he was in town and could meet in person.

He talked about the meeting for the whole week leading up to it. A lot. As it got closer, he started to ask me about clothes.

The night before, I hear him on the phone with his mom, asking if he’d left his shoe shining kit at home. Adorable.

The morning of, we tried tie after tie with his shirt until one won.

Today during lunch, I called him to ask him a question. I asked if he was eating lunch? He said no, he was driving to his parents’ house. To shine his shoes for his meeting later.

He took his whole lunch break to drive to his parents’ house in order to shine his shoes for this meeting.

I know I am partial because I’m madly in love with him – but isn’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever heard in your life!?

Ahhhh I love him.

PS – The meeting went well. I’m sure it had nothing to do with his education, preparation and people skills – but was all due to his shiny shoes.

PSS – His shoes are gross. His feet are so big he just buys whatever fits. He bought two pairs of these black boot looking shoes for his mission. He wore one pair through on his mission and has been wearing this second pair ever since. He’s been off his mission for 5 YEARS. Not to mention the 5 months he wore them on his mission. They are not professional looking shoes. Not dressy at all – they’re just black. So the fact that he went all the way home to shine them just makes it all the more awesome.

(Also – I think it is even funnier, considering my dad’s shoe shining kit)



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