Love, Brittney

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Twin pix update - November 15-30

November 15

Trev knows if I come home/into the living room and he's just playing xbox he's in trouble. But if he's holding one of the babies I won't care. So he rarely plays anymore without one of the twins. This particular time he outdid himself - he managed to play holding them both. He is actually playing while rocking Oliver, who was fussing. Wasn't his best game, but he still pulled it off.

I have so many sleeping pictures. I take too many pictures and post way too many, but they are all so dang cute I can't stop myself.

Ollie is smiling. His smiles are still very rare and without reason, but occasionally he'll give us one.

They are both holding their pacifiers in. Little smarties.

Nov 16

Sunday napping with the twins. Dad's forte is napping with these guys.

Nov 17

So glad we got this sweet girls' tongue clipped! She loves sticking it out. It's made such a difference.

I've said this before I'm sure, but she LOVES sitting up. She loves looking around.

One of my favorite Oliver pictures!

Nov 20

This is how I spend a huge portion of my days. Pumping while trying to entertain the twins. Wish they'd just nurse but thats been such a battle. Oliver is actually doing better, but Sav just screams.

We had people over for dinner, and Trevor loaded the dishwasher while I took care of the twins. He did it without me asking and I was so grateful. He started the dishwasher even. I came in the kitchen and there were dishes all over the counter - all our cups and plates and most the dinner dishes. Trev said there wasn't room so he'd started the dishwasher. I got the twins to bed and at 11 and opened the dishwasher to unload it and load all the dinner dishes. And I found this:

I was mad and so amused all at the same time. Men.

Nov 21

We got the twinners wubbanubs. WE LOVE THEM. I mean, the whole family loves them. Trevor, me, Oliver and Savannah - we all love them.

Oliver has a giraffe and Sav an elephant. They are supposed to hold the pacifier in place so they don't lose them so easily. But the reason we love them so well is the twins just love to cuddle them and play with them. I've given both babies toys and they show no interest. They don't try to grab anything yet either or hold on, except for my hair and shirt. But their wubbanubs. They love the hold them and snuggle them. They love to grab their ears and play with them. It's so cute!

Nov 22

Our diva! She HATED this. Hated it.

She kind of looks like she is smiling, but she is really in mid cry.

And here she is sans glasses - you can tell she's been totally traumatized.

Daddy's favorite gaming companion.

Our other new purchase - piano play mat. Again, our family is in LOVE!

We haven't purchased many things for the twins - we are so grateful especially to Mikail for letting us borrow so many of her baby things. We got lots of hand me down clothes. We got lots of amazing gifts we are so grateful for from our baby shower. We mostly use the bottles we got at the NICU. We have really managed to do this whole twin thing as cheaply as possible.

The Wubbanubs and this play mat are seriously two of our only exciting purchases.

The twins LOVE kicking the piano and making it play. You can tell they are doing it on purpose to make it play. It's so amazing. And the bar over the top is much lower than the one we're borrowing from Auntie Em, so they can reach the toys.

Especially Sav goes crazy swatting at the toys. She doesn't try to grab them or hold them yet, but she hits them over and over. It's so dang exciting to watch! Oliver still doesn't show much interest in them, but he does love kicking the piano.

Nov 23

The first day we brought Oliver home from the NICU, Sav was all over him. She couldn't get close enough to our favorite little man, put her arm around him... it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

But since that day, she hasn't seemed to care much for him. For a long time they just seemed completely unaware of each other. Then they mostly seemed unaware of each other, but when I put them next to each other Ollie would put his head on her shoulder. And then there was one day he just wanted to touch her face all day and it drove her nuts.

Just within the last week, I think they've become more aware of each other. Oliver will smile so big and just lights up when we put him next to her. She SCREAMS. She likes her space and hates her brother in it.

I put Oliver down next to her to take pictures of them with these cute blankets sister Conner made for them. Oliver started smiling and reached right over to grab her, and she just screamed and screamed. It was kind of hilarious.

You can see Oliver's enthusiasm here. Sav is pushing his hand away, and about to start screaming.

One of my favorite Sav pictures. This girl is crazy for her wubbanubs!

I put Sav's hair bow on Ollie. He looks so pleased with himself here, I love it! I sent the pictures to dad, who told me to TAKE THE BOW OFF NOW!

You can't really tell, but she's sucking her thumb! The first time. She hasn't done it since though. She's started within the last weekish to suck her hand a lot.

So, since dad flipped out at the bow in Ollie's hair, I decided to have some fun. Here they are dressed in boy clothes. I still thing Sav looks like a girl, but I'm here mom...

Side note - you can kind of see here how ridiculously wompy Oliver's head is. I'm pretty certain he is going to need a helmet. It's bad. It keeps getting worse.

I love his face and hand placement here. He looks like he's in a serious thinking mode.

Again, as soon as I put him down next to Sav, he started smiling and she started screaming. You can't really tell in the pictures, and the one below looks like she's loving him, which is why I love the picture, but really she's screaming and pushing him with her head.

Then I switched Ollie into her clothes! Complete with a bow. Again, I still think he looks like a boy and her a girl.

She again screamed and he smiled. This picture is probably the best I got on camera of how happy he is to be near her, and how she is not so excited. She wants her space, darn it! Oliver could care less about having his space.

I placed them like this for when daddy came home. His words were, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!??"

Hahaha. Win for me.

This is one of my favorite Oliver outfits. I love the dino feet!

He doesn't love sitting up like Savannah. I just sat him there for a minute with his wubbanub and he fell asleep. Very unusual.

For a week Trev kept telling me he had a surprise for me on Thanksgiving. I'd try to guess and he'd give me hints, but I was at a loss. And it really isn't like him to just get me present on Thanksgiving - so I couldn't figure out what it could be. So he told me he would give me my surprise on Tuesday, 2 days before Thanksgiving.

So after work on Tuesday, he read me this poem he wrote me:

His surprise was he'd taken off Wednesday as well as Friday! I knew he'd taken Black Friday off. He was right - best surprise ever! I LOVE THAT MAN!

We spent the whole day on Wednesday with Mikail, Brandon and Seth who were here from California. Then Cruncle Taylor and camree came over and we had a Johnson sibling thanksgiving, minus Bobs.

Trev went to check on the twins during their nap on Wednesday, and both were awake and Oliver had reached his hand under the bassinet divider to have his hand on Sav's arm. So cute! Trev called me in and when I came, he had his hand on her shoulder. I love the cute face he's making here.

The twins love their Auntie Em!

Twins' Thanksgiving feast! I love this picture of them.

Look who can sit in her bumbo!! Such a big girl!!!! This was thanksgiving morning, so it's not as random in there thanksgiving pictures as it seems.

We've started to call our chunky monkey Jabba the Hut.

Savannah Elaine with great grandma Elaine on Thanksgiving.

Crashed after thanksgiving! Such a big day for the twinners.

After all the festivities, we watched a movie as a family and snuggled. 

Seth loves the twins, it's so dang cute! He calls them "Ah-hee" and "Anna". He sat and held Sav for probably 15 minutes while they watched "choo choo". Sav didn't fuss or mind being held by Seth, and Seth was just happy to snuggle her. It was so cute.

He especially loves Oliver. These two are going to best friends one day! He wanted to hold him and be near him all day. He'd scream and cry if we didn't let him hold him.

This year, we have a ton to be thankful for. I'm so incredibly thankful for my amazing family. I'm married to the love of my life and best man I know. We have a beautiful home and we created the most amazing babies. I'm so grateful to be Savannah and Olivers' mom. 

This year Savannah is grateful for her wubbanubs to snuggle, and Oliver is grateful for his piano to play.

Trevor is grateful for me! Haha, I just said that. But really, I think Trevor and I are both just so grateful for this little family we've created.

It's been incredibly warm the last couple of days. We had a couple of things we wanted to look at for Black Friday, so we headed out with the twins. I mostly stayed outside and walked the parking lot with them, but it was still fun to get out! We got a JDawg, our favorite! They had a nice outside eating area, so we could take the twins and they could get fresh air without being in a big public area. We had so much fun! It felt so nice to feel like a normal family for a couple of hours, instead of the parents of preemies who have to stay inside all the time.

Caught our girl praying! :)

Oliver has the craziest, deadliest fingernails. I clipped them a week ago so we stopped putting mittens on him. Well, he up and scratched himself the worst he ever has! It was quite deep and bled.

These are carseat pictures I took on Thursday after thanksgiving. We ran to Trev's parents house to get the Star Wars movies for our Thanksgiving weekend marathon. 

I wanted to compare their growth since the first time they were ever in their carseats - when we took them home from the NICU.

They've gotten so big!! Makes me so happy and so sad all at the same time!

Look at this cutie!! I love dressing her up. This is her corner that she loooves.

I sat her in her corner and literally ran to the bathroom in the hall right behind the couch. I had been gone MAYBE 2 minutes and I hear her start grunting so I ran back out - to find her face down on the couch. I don't get how she managed this. I would think if anything she would slip down flat on her back. But at the angle I had her, I don't see how she flipped over flat on her tummy! 

We only ever leave her there when we're sitting on the couch next to her. I had just run one time to the bathroom - gotta be more careful with this little acrobat!

That about catches us up for now. Every day is full of such fun and awesomeness with these little monsters! They are exhausting but we love them so much!

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