Love, Brittney

Friday, November 14, 2014

Twins pics November 6-14

Nov 6 - 14

Trev and Savannah took a nap while I fed Oliver. When I got Oliver to sleep and was ready for my own nap, I came in to find this:

They completely melt my heart! I love how she has her hand on his chest.

Ollie and I joined the party. We all slept for a good hour. It was amazing. The pictures are really blurry because they were taken with my phone in the dark.

This girl! She's smiling a lot these days. Every smile still makes my heart flutter. She's so dang cute!

She loves looking around. Her new favorite thing is sitting up. She loves to sit up. Her neck/head control is so good.

Caught a meltdown on camera.

Handsome dude, getting so big!

Just kicked back, relaxing on mommy's stomach.

Oliver has decided he's too cool for naps. He will go the whole day not taking a single nap. It's terrible. This is the first time he's fallen asleep for longer than 5 minutes all week.

Sav's new thing is she won't sleep anywhere but her swing. She will immediately wake up and cry. But we can successfully get her down (usually after 2 or 3 tries) in her swing. Since Oliver has decided he no longer wants to take naps, I thought maybe he also wanted to join in the swing club.

All was hunky dory with my two singing babies.

And then... he started slipping out of the swing.

Until more of him was on the floor than in the swing. I realize you are supposed to strap the baby in, but seriously. Once you've rocked a fussy baby to sleep and are trying to keep baby asleep by using the swing, the last thing you want to risk is waking said baby up by strapping him in. Ugh.

Also, he spent the rest of the night throwing up everything he's ever eaten in his whole life.

Then he'd cry because he was hungry. Then spit up everything all over again. This kid really knows how to spit up. When he spits up, it's all or nothing. It's horrible. But today he didn't just do it once, it was all night long. And it was a Friday, so Trevor was at football. The more he cried (I didn't want to feed him because he'd just spit it up again) the more upset Savannah got, even though she was fine. We were all covered in puke, the blankets, our clothes, the couch, the floor... and we were all crying. I was expecting Trevor to come home right after the game (it was an early game, so started at 3:30pm) at 6:30ish. When he wasn't home at 8, I checked my phone and he was back at Skyline with the guys, and said he was going to go out with the coaches after. I maybe, sort of definitely, lost it. It wasn't pretty.

But I digress. I think all of this was a result of the swing. I'm fairly certain he got sick from the movement and that is why he spit up all afternoon/evening.

This pillow has been wrecked by these guys. They spit up on the case, so I put it in the wash. I haven't seen it since. They have since that point spit up over and over again on the pillow. I did wash the pillow but it's permanently stained.

Dirty pillow aside, I kind of love this photo of the babes. They are getting so big. Especially Oliver. Our little runt is catching up to his sister. She's still definitely got poundage on him, but he looks as tall and not that much skinnier. He used to look SO much smaller than her. They didn't look like twins. But now he's looking so good!

GAH! This face!

I kiss her ALL DAY LONG. I can't help it. I've got a problem.

Look at those cheeks! They are filling out so nicely.

He will smile occasionally. It's still very seldom, but we love it when he decides not to be cranky and smile for us.

He's so cute! He has the softest skin. It's so nice.

This is how he usually looks. Our easy going, easy baby has turned into a little bit of a grouch.

November is prematurity awareness month!

I realize he is in a halloween bib in November. It was clean, so we used it. He looks so cute here though.

He has to be by me most the time or he screams. So, he "helped" me fold laundry. I had him in his crib, but he wouldn't stop screaming (and he won't nap) so I put him next to me. Problem solved.

I kind of love both their faces here.

Bath time!

Ok, so we had our first injury. See that bruise going up his forehead?

I mentioned he doesn't nap during the day. And he's grouchy. And he's hard to get to sleep at night. And he's grouchy. And he eats ALL DAY LONG. And he's grouchy.

Trevor was holding/feeding him at about 7 and he fell asleep. Not when you want your overly tired baby to go to sleep when they haven't napped all day. Thats asking for a sleepless night for mom. I figured he'd wake up soon, since that is how he rolls. He'll fall asleep and wake up 5-10 minutes later. So, since he was on the couch Trevor just put him on the couch next to him in the boppy.

Fast forward 2 hours later, little man was still fast asleep. He was so cozy. I was exhausted and Savannah had just fallen asleep. I knew if I moved him, he would wake up and then I'd be up for hours. So I just left him where he was and went to bed.

I woke up at midnight to a thud. I immediately thought, "Oliver. Please don't let that be Oliver!" then I heard him scream. I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room, where Oliver was face down on the carpet screaming.

As soon as I picked him up, he stopped crying. He had somehow managed to wiggle his way out of the boppy and off the couch. I recently bought a rug, and thank goodness! Otherwise he would have landed on hardwood floor, not a soft carpet.

I was so upset. I didn't really sleep the rest of the night. I felt sick and my heart was completely broken. I felt like the worst mother in the whole world. I kept going over the whole scenario and thinking of all these things around the house I needed to change since they are obviously becoming more mobile. Sigh. It was awful. I've rarely been that scared in my whole life as when I heard that thud.

He seems totally unaffected. This definitely was a lot harder on me than him.

Sweet girl, sitting in her corner. This is officially her little corner. She's happy sitting here looking around for a long time.

As Trevor says, "what I won't I do to make the twins smile?"

He's such a good dad. He plays with them and snuggles them and dances for them... he's good at getting them to smile.

They LOVE when he coos at them. He can get both to smile that way.

They eat each other when they're hungry. Oliver hit his breaking point and started eating his sister. He looks like a shark.

Such a cute little dude!! He's getting so big and cute. Sav's eyes are really blue, but I think Ollie's are going green like daddy's.

Now we always turn the boppy the other way.

Just chillin. Legs and and arms crossed.

He actually took a nap! Best day ever!

Can't let a needy, daddy lovin' baby get in the way of COD!

You could make a lot of good captions for this look.

I used to feel really badly that Sav got more of my attention because she was a lot needier, since Ollie was so easy going and just an easy baby.

Not so much any more. These days Sav is cake compared to our new Ollie. He's grumpy and needy. I'm hoping this is just a phase. I miss my easy going, laid back dude.

I'm getting more into a routine with Sav. I can read her well now and know what she wants most the time. And I can get her to sleep easily. During the day we have a pretty good routine down of eat, play and nap.

With Oliver though, we don't have much of a routine. He's just hard right now. But he's growing and getting so dang cute!

He looked so cute and wore this outfit for a grand total of 5 minutes before...

This happened!

This kid is the spit up king. I get totally drenched 2-3 times a week. When he spits up, it's like turning on a faucet. It just poors out of his mouth and nose. And he chokes. And if it's a really bad one, cries after.

He got it all over me, all over his whole right side, across Savannah, all over the couch, the blanket and the floor.

His wardrobe change led to this outfit though, which is twinners with Sav's. I didn't even realize they were matchy.

So, he was screaming so I put him in his boppy for tummy time. AND HE FELL RIGHT TO SLEEP.

Tummy time used to mean nap time for this dude. He loved his tummy. But the last month or so he doesn't like his tummy much. Occasionally (like the picture earlier) he does still pass out on his tummy, but it's rare.

It didn't look very comfy, but he went right to sleep.

So cute!

Well, i'll call this quits till the next photo dump.

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