Love, Brittney

Friday, April 10, 2015

Twins - 8 months old!


Oh how they have changed this month!! Especially Oliver.


Oliver got his first two teeth at the same time. He'd been insanely cranky for MONTHS (MONTHS, people!!!) so I knew it was coming. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Orr's house one night right after they turned 8 months and Grandma goes, "oh, he's got his teeth in!" SAY WHAT!? I had felt his mouth that morning and nada. Between then and night, he busted out his two front teeth. And immediately after went back to our amazing, cute, awesome sauce little man.

Savannah is still gumming through life, as cutely as ever.


Oliver is amazing! He has come so far from that little sensitive, calm 3 pounder! It's so crazy because Oliver was the easier baby at first. He was so content to just lay in his bouncer or on the floor. He didn't like bathing with Sav because she splashed him and it upset him. He was so tender and sensitive. Savannah on the other hand had to be sitting up from a young age. She wanted to be looking around and hated laying down. She loved the exersaucers first and would go crazy in them, while Oliver much preferred laying in his bouncer. He wasn't in a rush to sit up. She held her head up during tummy time so much better, she sat up in the bumbo much sooner, she sat up on her own way earlier. So we were sure she would be the active, crazy trouble maker and Oliver would be our quiet, sensitive follower.


This month he's started to put all his weight on his hands and toes and arch his back like a bridge. He does it all the time! Once he did that for sure we though he would be crawling by the end of the week. We said that each week all month and he's still not crawling - but he does make little bits of progress. He can move - it's just really, really slowly and not far. After making the bridge, he figured out how to go from the arch to his knees. He still can't figure out how to move on his knees, but he'll get on his knees and rock. He only moves backwards though.

He is so hard to take out to restaurants. He has to try and touch everything, grab glasses off the table, grab our food, slides off our laps, screams, attacks our faces... he's a monster! He just wants to move, move move! Savannah on the other hand will sit so sweetly in our laps and eat the food we give her - like holds a pickle and eats it the whole time. 

Savannah developed so much more quickly at first, but Oliver has just taken off. More than anything though, I think it's personality. She hasn't cared to move. She just lays on her back completely content for us to entertain her and bring toys to her. She doesn't even look for toys. She gets over being on her back or tummy really quickly and still prefers sitting or being in her exersaucer. 


This is hard to really document, because they changed daily and weekly right now with their progress.

They are starting to make messes!!! This is fun to see but I am not quite ready for it! Right after Easter Oliver got ahold of his Easter basket and spread the paper confetti around the whole living room floor - such a pain to clean up! The same day Savannah got ahold of a pack of open diapers and spread them everywhere. Their favorite thing is to play with their diapers.

Oliver LOVES LOVES the tub. Bath time is his favorite. He kicks and goes completely crazy on his back. He loves to turn over on his tummy and move. This is where he learns all his moves. He always discovers tricks in the tub and then does them on the carpet after bath time. It's so weird and funny.


Oliver has taken off in eating as well. He doesn't like to feed himself - but he eats everything I give him. He's got those two big front teeth and chews things really well. He drives me crazy because he is a chipmunk. He hoards food in his mouth till it's completely full and then he slowly eats it. By slowly I mean really, really slowly! For 20 minutes or more he will just have pools of food in his mouth. 

Savannah will only feed herself. She will not let me feed her. She makes such a huge mess and doesn't actually eat much. She sucks on food and plays with it, but doesn't really get the chewing and swallowing parts. So she loves food way more than Oliver and has way more interest in eating, but he actually eats much more than she does.

These little sweeties are growing and learning and make us so happy! 

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