Love, Brittney

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Twins - 6 Months Old!


Savannah:16.14   56%
Oliver: 16lbs 24%


Savannah: 24.59in 14%
Oliver: 25.5in 19%

Head circumference

Savannah: 16.5 35%
Oliver: 16.51 9%

I am so behind it makes me sick. I don't want to miss documenting a moment of the twins' lives, but am so behind. I missed their 5 month post and here it is, a week past their 6 month birthday. At this point I don't think I can clearly differentiate what happened in month 5 versus month 6, so I'm just going to group 5 and 6 together. Right now it feels devastating to do this, but I realize in the future I won't really care what happened in month 5 versus month 6 (I did take their 5 month picture so that is a win)...

These babies! Holy cow. They are wonderful and perfect and hilarious. They are getting so big.

Grandma Johnson got them these adorable Valentines outfits! Savannah's is so cute I want to cry and Oliver's is so dang adorable!!!! He definitely does steal hearts, let me tell you. All the NICU nurses fell in love with him, and it hasn't stopped since! :)


This girl! She smiles all the time. She is the happiest, smiliest baby I have ever seen. She brings us so much joy. The only times she doesn't smile are when she is really hungry or tired. She turns into a major drama queen when she gets hungry or tired.

She is a great sleeper. She lasts awake for about an hour and then needs a nap. We can put her in her pack n play with her special blankie Grandma Johnson made her, her elephant wubbanub and her binkie. We can't use her wubbanub as a binkie any more because she loves playing with it so much she pulls it out. She will stretch it straight above her head as she sucks on it and pulls it out. But she loves to cuddle it. She also loves her special blanket. She usually will pull it up over her face. We usually find her on her back, arms above her head, feet froggy style, with her blanket over her face or her wubbanub on her face.

Some times I have to put her binkie in multiple times but for the most part, she just goes right to sleep.

She loves playing with toys. Her green Oball is her favorite. She puts everything in her mouth.

She has started shaking her head no all the time. Fast and furious. It is hilarious. There is no rhyme or reason for it, she just will randomly do it.

She laughed for the first time when she was 5 months old. Trevor got her to laugh in the bathtub. It was fleeting (and I missed it) but she laughed. The next bath night I did what Trev had done and she laughed again. She didn't laugh for a while, and on the day of the super bowl she was playing in her piano and I was folding laundry. I just decided to throw a sock at her, and she laughed so hard!!! I kept throwing stuff at her and she was belly roaring. It was seriously one of the best moments of my life! She kept laughing and laughing. Mikail and Seth were here as was my mom. Everyone got to see, so that was so fun. We were all just laughing at her. She's since laughed a couple more times, but not like that one time.

She loves baths! She kicks and splashes and wiggles and acts like she's having a seizure. She splashes Oliver and he hates it. He cries.

She shows so much interest in our food. She lunges for whatever we had. Her first food was peanut butter! Haha. Daddy was eating a peanut butter and honey sandwich and she lunged for it, putting her little fingers right in the middle. So dad gave her a taste of peanut butter. Good news is she isn't allergic. I've since given her avocado, which she hates. HATES hates. Also gave her broccoli, which she also hates. She's also had sweet potato, which she didn't seem to hate but also didn't love. Even though she is showing so much interest in food and eating, I don't think she's quite ready yet.

She loves going for walks. She will sit shotgun in the stroller and just look around at everything. It takes her a good half hour to fall asleep because she loves looking at everything.

She loves looking at everything. She's always got to be moving and looking at everything. She won't snuggle us because she has to be moving all the time.

Seth came to visit for a week, so mom and mikail and Seth were here which was a lot of fun for our little girl. She loved watching Seth. While he was here she was SO HYPER. She was crazy! She made a lot of developments as well.

Her posture on tummy time is amazing. She still hasn't rolled over since the first time she did it months ago. But she tries to crawl and looks so great doing it.

Everyone comments on her eyebrows. And her big beautiful blue eyes.

She is a little jabberer. She talks all the time! She screams and yells and talks and it's so fun! She's started doing this little cough which I think she does for attention.

She loves her little piano. She plays in there and absolutely loves it. She bangs the keys with her feet, plays with the toys and sings. It's so dang funny.


Our sweet tender little dude. He is smiling much more now, but still chooses when he will bless us with a smile. He has laughed a couple of times.

He loves to be held upside down. Which I find to be strange, since he's so gentle. He hates loud noises and too much raucous. When Sav plays too rough he cries. But he loves being held upside down. Go figure.

He LOVES the bathtub. We had been using a bath cushion and bathing them one at a time. They are now big enough, we switched to no bath cushion and bathing them together. He HATED the switch. He went from loving the tub to hating it. Savannah loves to kick and splash and he would get water splashed on him and he would just scream and get upset.  But after 4 or 5 baths, he started to love it again and splash and now he splashes Savannah and she gets upset and wants to get out. He's peed in the tub the last two baths and so we had to end bath time early.

I've fed him avocado and broccoli, both of which he hates. He absolutely could not stand broccoli, so I stopped feeding him. I told my mom he hated it and was making these terrible sour faces, and she wanted to see so she fed him some more. He got so upset he started crying. Like, crying crying. It was hilarious. He still isn't eating well, doesn't have the hang of swallowing. So the food just sits between his gums and his lip and he screams. So I have to get the food out with my finger. So I'm going to wait a couple weeks and try again. He doesn't show interest in food like Savannah does.

He loves to just stare at things and look around. He is so tender to Sav when she is upset. He loves to touch her face and hair and just always wants to touch her. He will start screaming if she is crying.

He is such a sweet snuggler. He loves to be held and snuggled.

He rolled over for the first time at 4 months (the day before turning 5 months old) and he rolled front to back, then right back to front. It was impressive! He hasn't looked back since. Now he is a rolling fiend. He is a big time tummy sleeper since discovering how to roll. Now he lasts maybe 5 minutes on his back when he's asleep, and he's rolled over to his tummy. The funny thing is he rolls all night long and changes to weird positions (including kicking his sister! She's been waking up screaming at odd times and I finally realized it's because Oliver kicks her and she wakes up and gets mad. So we've since added a divider to their pack n play and it's made all the difference) but he won't roll over during the day. He will scream and yell and if he wants tummy time to be over, but he won't just roll over which he knows how to do. He'll only roll when he's in his bed.

He is in this stage where he is fighting naps. It's kind of horrible. It really began when he started to roll. I think he gets frustrated he can't get comfortable/in the position he wants. So he will just get so upset and scream and thrash and it's just impossible to get the kid to sleep! 

He still loves sucking his thumb.

He is getting mobile! He crawled backwards the other day. I think he wanted to get to Savannah. So he reversed back to where she was, then turned towards her and started trying to go forward. He actually moved quite a bit backwards. 

He's a little eater. He eats his share and then Savannah's.

He's a little thinker. You can tell he just stares at things and thinks. He is slower to take to things, but once he does something he has it mastered. When he's in the piano, he loves to play with the music notes. He will just sit there and stare at the notes and move them around. He can really focus. 

Savannah is our happy, smiley ball of energy. Oliver is our calm thoughtful little man. They both are so sweet and fun. It's so fun to see their personalities coming through. 

*These aren't their "official" 6 month pictures, but I loved these outfits so much I took a couple. Oliver's face is so hilarious in each one I had to post them all, even though they are nearly the same.*

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