Love, Brittney

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Twins photo dump - mostly the 4th month of life

It's January 21 (haha and now March 3 and I am still trying to get this done....) and I am trying to catch up from my last photo dump the end of November. I really get no time to keep up with the twins lives on my blog, and it is so important to me that I am able to document all their milestones and growth.

I also have a huge problem with cutting back on pictures. I used to see moms post almost the exact same photo of their kid 5 times because they couldn't pick their favorite. I thought that was so ridiculous. They looked the same! Now that I have my own perfect and beautiful kids, I do the exact same thing. I can't pick which angle and quirky smile is my favorite, even though they are nearly identical, so I POST THEM ALL. I seriously try to cut back, but I just can't not post EVERY.SINGLE.PHOTO.I.HAVE.EVER.TAKEN.OF.THESE.KIDS!

I admit I have a problem. 

But I can't stop, so on we go.

Dec 4 & 5

Pumping is the bane of my existence! I hate it. But am so grateful I am able to give my babies breast milk. That is so, so very important to me. I have to pump every 2 hours to keep up with their demand, and trying to get two little babies happy enough so I can take 20-30 minutes and pump every 2 hours is seriously no easy task. A lot of the time they end up eating from a bottle while I pump and IT INFURIATES ME! If only the little buggers would nurse then all of us would be so much happier!

Ollie is sitting up better, but still uber floppy.

His smiles! Still rare and fleeting but oh man are they good.

Love when he falls asleep on my chest.

Her head looks ridiculously big in proportion to her body and looks photoshopped on. I think it's hilarious.

Cute Christmas outfit Grandma Johnson gave Sav.

Pumping. Gah. They want to be held the most when I'm pumping. It's so hard to pump and hold these squirmers. They usually end up kicking off a flange and that really, really hurts.

Sav has got sitting up down way better than Ollie. We call him Rollie Ollie because his neck and head just roll when he tries to hold it up.

(I got distracted/delayed again so I am going to just post these pics before I never do - so they aren't in great order)

Dec 15

December 18 - Getting ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa Schauerhamers' house for annual Santa pics.

Dec 19 - He's a thumb sucker! First time I caught him sucking his thumb really well.

Dec 21
Dad is so nice and lets me sleep in on the weekends and gets up with the babies. By the time I got up, showered, was cooking breakfast and cleaning - it was nearly noon before I snuggled the babies. Ollie's diaper seemed really heavy - dad hadn't changed his diaper the whole day - and he'd slept in it all night. Gross. It was so heavy and full. In dads' defense - he did change Savannah's a couple of times, haha. Sometimes who ate last, who got their diaper changed last gets really blurry.

Crunkle Taylor comes to visit

Savvy was on the playmat having tummy time, and I started to hear her sound really stuffy. I was in the kitchen doing dishes, and figured I'd go suck her nose in a minute. It started to get worse, so I went over and she had spit up big time and her whole face was in it. Gross.

His cute little grins kill me! This kid is so dang cute.

Dec 22 - I told Aunt Jo (she fell off a ladder and can't walk) we would bring her dinner. I made crockpot chicken and rice and had it all arranged and warm, ready to eat. I had some other frozen meals to bring her, in addition to my diaper bag and two carseats, and asked Trev to grab the food. We get half way there and I ask him where he had put the food? He'd left it on top of the car. We pulled over and there was rice stuck all on the top and down the back of Tim. It was so gross and so funny. We laughed so hard. This picture is taken in the Wendy's drive in buying her dinner to replace the one I had made.

Trying to keep these guys happy for 20 minutes while I pump is rarely easy. They both have to be in reach of me and in their happy place.

(Ok it's March now and I am STILL ON THIS POST. I'm so far behind! So here is a big photo dump! I'm not going to post dates because they are out of order and if I try to get them all in order, I will never make it past this post!

One of my favorite pictures of the twins. This was taken the morning they slept through the night for the FIRST TIME! I woke up at 7 to light in our bedroom, and hadn't been up in the middle of the night, and ran into the twins' room freaking out and they were alive and well! Best morning ever!

I love you!

This made me cry! These little onesies were too big on the twins when they were born!!! Now look how tiny it looks!

Milk drunk! 

My mom bought this for Sav for halloween, and it was so big on her! By the time halloween came it fit, but barely. Now look at it! :(

For Christmas they got excersaucers (see Christmas post) and they could barely reach the keys with their toes. Sav rubbed the skin raw walking on that piano and playing it, and it got infected and a scab. I found it and freaked out!!! I didn't know what to do. I texted her doctor and he told us to put bacitracin on it, and soak and massage. It fixed it. Whew! 

 Mom, Dad and Bobs came to visit us after they went to Puerto Rico for Christmas.

Trev and I managed to sneak in a couple dates! And I LEFT THE HOUSE!

Ollie's nails grow so fast it's crazy. I can't keep up! He is always scratching himself. I usually keep gloves on him but he loves sucking his thumb so much I haven't as much lately. These scratches are the worst he's ever done.

My mom wanted to buy Sav a cute outfit that wasn't boyish, since Sav wears a lot of Seth's clothes. She came home with this.....  I'm still laughing about it.

New Years Kiss!!

She kills me with those blue eyes!

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