Love, Brittney

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Twins - 5 months of life

Boys watching football, getting the twins to sleep.

They look like they are plotting...

Eating hands...

My favorite cameo!!! Hahahahaa.... They both don't hold their head up well for too long. Oliver faceplanted. Savannah's just looking at him like, "where'd you go, bro?"

They are chunky and standing so well!

Gah! Seems so ridiculous to be bottle feeding them while pumping.... haha.

Some serious old man balding we've got going on!

They love books. Ollie just stares at the book, while Savannah has to touch every page.

I know I have said it before and I'll say it again - this boy LOVES HIS SISTER! He's always gotta be touching her, especially her face. He was cupping her cheek in his hand, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. He did it for the whole time I was pumping.

Finally got it!

I put him down here...

Came back and he was here!


He now tries to wiggle out of his magic sleeping chair. Not so effective anymore.

Ok they are both seriously balding in the most hilarious ways. He's lost all his hair but this one tuff at the top, and the bottom layer. So he looks like Alfalfa from the front, and an old man from the back.

And he pooped up his back. They both are the worst poopers. We call these "Daddy diapers".

Grandma Elaine got them these cute bibs since they drool a ridiculous amount.

And Trevor as a baby. He likes so much like Ollie!

When he gets tired, he just lays back and relaxes...

And here is Savannah's balding. She is balding on both sides, but hasn't lost her thick long hair on top. So it looks like we shaved a mohawk. It's so cool.

Our cute balding babes!

And, dad was supposed to be folding laundry. I came into the living room to find him doing this.

We love doing situps together.

His face in this photo!!!!!! Ahhh.

"Well, if I can't reach his hand I guess I'll hold his feet...."

It's been an unseasonably warm winter. If it's sunny and above 40 we go on a walk! It's been so nice to get out. They stay awake for half the walk, just looking around. Then they finally sleep... blessed sleep!

I love this picture. They seriously always hold hands. Every time they are close, they grab hands.

 She's my daughter! She wanted my pizza! She loves food. She lunges at our food. In fact, she's had her first food. Peanut butter. Trevor had a peanut butter and honey sandwich and she was sitting on his lap. She lunged and stuck her whole hand in the middle of his sandwich and stuck it in her mouth. They say not give babies honey till 1 either...

Superbowl Sunday!

Sleeping with my babies is seriously the best thing ever.

Happy 5 months of lives, you cuties!!!

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