Love, Brittney

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Barbados - Day Seven

My last day in Barbados!!! Extremely sad. My last day sleeping with the windows open, the breeze, the ocean outside my window…

We woke up and lounged and sat on the balcony and ate and discussed what to do.

I had gotten some videos of Andrew yesterday, but he wanted some more surfing videos of him.

We decided to try Brandons’ first, as the waves have been great there all week. We loaded our boards and everything into the back of the car, instead of on top – since we only needed to fit the two surfboards instead of three.

On the way down the road, there was a cute man standing on the side of the road with his thumb out. I haven’t seen this in Barbados before. Everyone walks or rides the bus, so there are always people walking or standing on the road waiting for a bus or a ride, but he was in fact hitchhiking. So we picked him up. We had no time constraints.

His name was Tyrell, but everyone calls him Ty (as in T-Y). He works in construction, he is very educated in politics, he goes to church at least 2 days a week and quote the bible, his wife is demanding – even her family says so – and is taking him to court. They’ve been married like 20-something years. He has 2 sons and a daughter. He is probably in his 50’s , with salty black hair - tall and lanky. Ty was on his way to the airport to see a friend off – it was a surprise. Brandons’ is about 10 or so miles down the road from the airport. Ty got in, smooshed in with the surf boards but “it’s all good man!”

As we were dropping him off, he asked if we had been to clubs and dancing? And we said no (I had been wanting to, but it hadn’t happened yet – so I was telling Andrew we had to do it today since it was my last day) but we were planning to tonight. And he said he was planning on going out dancing tonight, too! His aunt was in town and he wanted to take her. So we planned to meet at Dina’s Diner (next door to where we live) at 7:00 that night so he could show us the hopping spots (we didn’t know where to go dancing. We thought it was unusual that a 50 something man would want to go out dancing, but this is Barbados and they love drinking and dancing, so we didn’t question too much, plus it would be nice to have a tour guide).

Ty left to surprise his friend, and we continued on. We stopped at the Cheffette for lunch – wanting to see what other food they offer – to experience the true Bajan cuisine!! They had roti. Which made me sooooo happy. Beef potato routi nonetheless!! I was so excited. I was also shocked – as roti is a Desi dish. It came wrapped up like a burrito. But it was good!!

We then went on to Brandon’s. Sadly – the waves were not good for surfing. We talked to a couple locals and enjoyed the sun and sand and water.

We took our time driving home, all along the coast and some of our favorite roads.

We stopped at the Soup Bowl to observe. There was a children’s birthday party going on, and a cute young Bajan couple with an adorable little boy running on the beach. Also – this older heavy lady randomly came and sat down about 5 feet from us. I looked over a little later, and she had pulled her shirt up and tied it under her chest and was doing something else sketchy I can’t remember now. More than I ever wanted to see. It was slightly amusing.

We walked over to Dina’s Diner and ate dinner on the patio, overlooking the ocean. I had a mango fruit drink and the flying fish – the main food in Barbados. Andrew had the dolphin. Yes – dolphin. I had a bite, even though I felt really wrong doing it, and it was actually really good. It didn’t really look like fish either. The whole time I was chewing I kept hearing, “Fa loves Pa!!!” (if you don’t know this reference, see here.)

The waitress was a girl about my age – so nice and sweet. She is basically the God daughter of Dina and helps out when she can. She works at a pre-school. She was seriously so sweet. One of my favorite parts of our trip was meeting all of the random locals we came across.

After dinner, we changed and then met Ty at the diner. And – he was on time!!! I never thought he would be – Barbados standard time is even worse than Mormon standard time. We drove, with Ty giving the directions. He had us pull into a hotel and park. I assumed we would be walking to the clubs.

He took us down some stairs, to the pool area. There were people sitting around the pool, with the ocean behind, and there was a Bajan playing the steel drums. It was a cool set up – but hardly what we had in mind as far as “night life” goes. There were some people sitting at a table that Ty knew. He brought us over and introduced us. There was a lady in her 60’s, from California. She does 6 months in CA, 6 months in Barbados. Then there was a guy in his 40’s probably, and he was from the UK. They both owned a hotel room in the Yellow Bird, and rent it out when they are not in Barbados.

Not long after another guy showed up – and I can’t remember his name. He was a white Bajan, and must have been in his 70’s. From his conversation with the lady, I was immediately aware he was, what could be called, a gross old horny man.

He kept staring at me, and scooting closer to me, and asking me questions… and trying to dance with me. I was dying. The whole thing was hysterical. Andrew and I kept looking at each other, trying to figure out what to do. This was absolutely now what I had in mind for my clubbing experience in Barbados. Sitting around with old summer birds/Bajans.

Andrew and I left and walked along the beach – which was incredible. The stars were bright and the moon was full, the water was warm. We went and had some fruit drinks (again being mocked and confusing the bartender when we asked for no alcohol). We wanted to leave, but also had to consider Ty. We had to take him home, and had no forms of communication if we were not with him.

We decided to go to The Gap, where the clubs were. We were to meet Ty at 10:00. The clubs, they said, didn’t start until 12-1 usually. People started coming to the Gap around 11, but the parties didn’t really get going till later. Once we got to The Gap, we realized we’d been there before. That is where we ate dinner at the Brazilian place a couple nights prior. We walked around and went into some clubs and just enjoyed the area. The beach was on one side, shops and clubs on the other. I really wanted to go dancing, but was also completely exhausted. The clubs looked really fun. We met up with Ty, and he suggested we go to Oistins while we waited. We’d been there before as well – the beaches were amazing. It is the fish district – where the markets are. We went back behind, and there was an older building with tons of people inside, dancing. And people outside dancing. They were playing 50’s music, and dancing in that style. And they were good!! Everyone was local. It was an area the locals came to, and just danced. It was so fun to watch. Twirling and spinning and magical.

We stayed a while and watched, and then continued to where the party was. There was a stage set up, with outdoor BBQ’s going on and seating. They have all kinds of entertainment come – but tonight was karaoke. We got some fish to share, and sat there listening to the karaoke and eating. Again – it was mostly locals. We were the only white people there.

Karaoke finished at late, and we got up to leave. I really wanted to go back to the Gap and dance, but I was also exhausted. I could tell Andrew didn’t really want to go – and his ankle had been really bothering him. Also, there was Ty. I felt incredibly bad dragging the guy around and making him go to these clubs with us, when I know it was not his scene. So we went back. Didn’t get back until about 2:00am. I was completely exhausted, as was Andrew. But he was a gem and stayed up late with me transferring his pictures to my computer so I could have them.

As we were uploading the pictures, I went into the kitchen and saw a huge cockroach above the stove. Ah!! GROSS! I told Andrew (expecting him to, you know, kill the wretched thing) and he said, “Nice. Now I’ll have a friend when you leave.” Uh…. Not the response I had expected or wanted. He wouldn’t kill the stupid thing!! I was jumpy the rest of the night. That was about the only thing that made me ready to leave Barbados…

The next morning we got up early again, and met Ty to go to the airport (He wanted to go with us to take me to the airport. We’re still not sure why, haha. Nice guy). We ate breakfast at the Cheffette again. Then I said goodbye to Ty and Andrew. It was sad. I’ll see Andrew in a couple months though, InshAllah.

I then ran into the shop again, and got a beautiful pink conk shell bracelet and matching necklace and earrings, and a painting. It is AWESOME!! I love it. It is so Bajan.

And then I flew back to the states. The flights back were sorta brutal. I pretty much thought I was going to die the whole flight to the Dallas. Then flew from Dallas to LA, and landed at 8:00pm. My flight from LA to Utah didn’t leave until 6:30 the next morning. So I got a hotel room in LA, not far from the airport. I love staying in hotels!!! That was fun. Then off to Utah, where I landed and went into work.

And that concludes the events and happenings of Barbados.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing trip, and so much detail. I want to go!!!!!

June 22, 2011 at 9:33 AM  

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