Love, Brittney

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Twins - 8 months of life

We went to temple square and walked around - it was so fun!!!

We took pictures in some of the places we took wedding photos. It was so fun to go back and remember the day we were married. I am so grateful for this family of mine!

This is one of my favorite wedding photos - and here the twins are on the same bench! And they are in our wedding colors - just by coincidence.

They are big enough to sit in the carts now.

We looked over and he had positioned himself like this all on his own - just hanging out looking at us. 

Where is Savannah!?

Here she is!!

He's starting to do the pyramid/bridge/arch. Prepping to crawl!

We went on a nice, long walk! We love that we can go on walks now that the weather is getting better. But we all got a little sunburnt. So...

We got hats!!!

Sunday pictures are my favorite. These kids are too cute for their own good. I can't even handle how cute they are. I just kiss them all day long.

Oliver learns all his tricks in the bathtub. He scares me. He wants to be on his stomach and do all kinds of nutso things. Then he comes out to the carpet and does them there.

So, I look over and Oliver has a piece of paper. I don't really worry too much.. and then I remember the little man has crazy sharp teeth now. So I take it from him and there is a big bite taken out of a corner... I kind of have a milk panic attack as I sweep my hand in his mouth and pull out wads of chewed up paper. He didn't try to swallow - which was my fear - thank goodness.

I love these babies!

Auntie Bob gave Savannah this dress before she was born. I think my reaction was "UGGGGG! Gross! why would you buy this?"

But then I put it on her and it's SO CUTE! What is it about beautiful baby girls and frilly pink dresses that is SO CUTE!?

(oh yeah - darling girl can stand on her own, supported. So can Ollie)

We went to dinner at Zupas with grandma and grandpa Schauerhamer and Melissa. Grandpa and dad changed Ollie's dirty diaper. And then tried to put his pants on.

Why hello, there, Merman Oliver!

Isn't this picture too cute!?? I love watermelon!

This is just a good picture - Oliver actually hated watermelon.

So we were late and I was trying to get all three of us ready. Savannah wasn't finished with dinner, Oliver was done and messy, and I needed to get ready.

So I put Savannah in her high chair in the bathroom to finish eating, Oliver in the tub to play and splash like a maniac and therefore self cleaning, while I did my hair and make-up.

Yup, I am multi-tasking, creative-problem-solving-out-of-necessity twin mom!

We went to visit my grandparents. While there, we had our first big accident (well, besides Oliver falling off the couch when he was a couple months old). Savannah pulled this big flower vase over on her head. She had a huge red mark across her face, and it pulled off a lot of the skin and bruised. Poor baby.

Here Oliver is with his namesake - his great Grandpa Dee!!!

Grandpa is so proud Oliver is named after him and his father. He always makes comments about how proud he is, and asks questions like, "is he a lefty!? My dad was a lefty!" I'm so proud to have a son named after my grandpa, and to get pictures of them together.

Grandpa wanted to hold Oliver, and said "I haven't held a baby in YEARS!"

Savannah with her great Grandma!

This darlin' is so in love with her daddy. I think it's safe to say the feeling is mutual :)

Also in love with this girl would be her grandpa Schauerhamer.

Ok. This boy!!! We have been trying to find a bike trailer so we can take the twins on bike rides. One Saturday morning we loaded them up and headed to Toys R Us - where we'd been told you can find bike trailers. It is a 10 minute drive from our house. I was the lucky one and Oliver was on my side. So I grabbed him and we walked inside - I noticed something sticky on my hand - he had pooped out his diaper and all the way down his shorts!


SO Trevor and Savannah headed into the store and I went back to the car to change Ollie. But what do I do with him? I can't put him on the seat - he has poop literally to his feet. So I put him on the concrete next to the car while I get the baby wipes.


I try to use a napkin but holy poop - it's everywhere, gooey and there is SO MUCH OF IT.

Trevor has my phone in his pocket. Super.

So we just sit there and wait.

And wait.

When Trevor comes out, I send him back in to buy baby wipes.

I love this picture! My mom bought these outfits a while back and I never thought they would fit. They dwarfed them for so long - and all of a sudden they fit!

Our dude is mobile!! The very best motivation is our phones.

Watching a kids show on YouTube. They don't watch TV hardly ever - but every once in a while when we are trying to get something done we will put a baby show on and they love it!

I have tons of pictures like this on my phone, and videos of the same.

Oliver LOVES MY PHONE and takes pictures and videos all the time on the baby monitor.

We got a bike trailer! It's made my walks so much better! And we've enjoyed family bike rides. They are too small for it, and don't look very comfy, and honestly don't love it. Well - Oliver does. He's fine being that close to Savannah and loves to touch her. But she doesn't love the proximity AT ALL.

These pictures crack me up... He fell asleep on her.

This sums it up - he's happy to be outside and moving and next to Sav. She is ready to be home and away from her handsy brother.

He plopped down right in her lap - and she actually didn't mind! They played together.

They've started to steal bottles from each other. It's HILARIOUS. I give one a bottle (the other has usually already eaten) and i'll go to the bathroom or bedroom or something and hear one scream. I go in, and the other baby has taken the other's bottle! They do this all the time.

Ollie's first guys game night!

They love having the exersaucers next to each other, so they can play with each other and some of the other toys. This is one time they really like playing together, because Oliver can't maul Sav.

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