Love, Brittney

Monday, October 31, 2011


Halloween checklist:

Decorating for Halloween - Check
Haunted houses - Check
Lagoon's Frightmares - Check
Haunted Halloween space misison - Check
Halloween parties - Check
Dressing up - Check
Halloween food (including caramel apples) - Check
Trick or Treating - Check
Helping Bob get ready to be Ferb (Riley was Phineus) - Check
Answering  the door for trick or treaters - Check

Yup, awesome Halloween indeed!!!!

More details, for my own remembering:

Frightmares was a blast. I even toughed out the  haunted houses. Kip told me he'd buy me a caramel apple if I went into scary ones. They rate the haunted houses 1-6. We started small. We couldn't get into the 1 rating, since we were over 50 inches. So we went to 2. I decided I could handle scarier. We went into the 3. It was scary, but I did awesome! So we went into 4... it was WAY scarier than 3. I tried to be brave but I wasn't really. All that mattered though, is that I went in so I got my caramel apple. It was a really fun night, and great way to start off Halloween.

The Friday before I left for home, October 28th, at work we had trick or treating. Everyone invites their families and everyone brings candy, and the kids go around trick or treating. This is my favorite work day! The kids are so cute in their cosutmes. It's so fun to see how they all dress up, and to see my co-workers' families.

Last year, I invited Brittney Henderson and her little girls to come trick or treating. Apparently they had a blast, because they asked her if they could come again this year, and I was happy to have them. This year was a new addition though, cute baby Alivn. So we walked around with the 3 kids and got candy, and went through the spook alleys.

That night, was Kip and my halloween party. We had people over, and we ate dinner and payed games. After, we went to iWorlds' haunted space mission, which is a blast!!! Taylor and Liz drove from Rexburg to join us, which was so fun. After, we went into space at iWorlds, in Thanksgiving Point. For Halloween, they've done haunted missions. They are pretty scary and awesome.

After, some of us hung out at my house until 3:30am. Great last night in the states!

On Halloween day in Saudi, Bobbie and Riley were Phinneus and Ferb, and 2 of their friends were also dressed like characters from the show. We even died Bob's hair green. They looked awesome.

That night the trick or treaters came, which was awesome. Everyone who came to our house was Saudi and spoke NO English.

They had memorized, "happy Halloween" and "have a nice day". No matter what you said, they would just say that. If you deviated from either of those phrases, they were completely thrown off and would just stare at you. One little boy was so cute. I was handing out New York Peppermint patties, and had some Butterfinger wafers on the floor. This little boy, after I handed him the peppermint patty, kept pointing at the floor. I figured he wanted the other candies, but was only willing to give him one piece (we didn't have a whole lot of candy) so he pointed to the candy, then he rubbed his tummy while saying, "yuuummmyy!!"


Happy Halloween!!


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