Love, Brittney

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Perkins 203


First semester

 I don't remember a lot of these. The ones I do are

You toasted the banana bread - My Grandma used to send us boxes with cookies or bread in it. One time one of us must have toasted the banana bread...

Notes to Brittney (Craft-Henderson), Alison and Nichole - I used to write them notes and leave them around. I wrote a poem once and put it above each of their beds, on the ceiling. And I even wrote a poem about flushing the toiled on the back of the toilet seat...

He has an enormous gullbladder - I meant to say some guy had an enormous Adams apple, but instead said gullbladder (couldn't even get that word right, gallbladder). 

Size chart under the quote "Pelvic Bone" and the yellow cloth- I needed new underwear. So I bought some. My regular size. When I got home, I realized something was amiss... they were HUGE. And by huge I mean, we fit 2 of us in these underwear, one in each leg hole (where are those pictures now?). I'd gotten my regular size, only in the obese section. Woops. We had way too much fun with those underwear.

I was the FHE mom and organized a flour war for FHE, in which we needed armbands or something to separate out the teams. So we cut up the yellow and white underwear and had enough material to make armbands for the whole FHE group. We never told anyone outside our apartment what the armbands were made from. We got quite the kick out of it.

How is your horrible face? - I got a monster staff infection. On my face. It was horrible. One of my roommates, instead of asking how my staff infection was, innocently said, "how is your horrible face?".

Sister Stout and Sister Johnson = Nursery Leaders -  Nichole and I got called to talk to the bishop after church, to get callings. You aren't supposed to tell people your calling until you are set apart, so on the walk home we decided we'd tell Brittney and Alison when they asked that we were asked to go to the family ward and be nursery leaders. They bought the whole story, and we kept it going all week. It was hysterical when we were called to stand up in church to be sustained and our callings were not nursery leaders. 

-An american Flag?
-Your both my dream girls!
- I'll be wearing all black!

That is an entire post for another day... hahaha.

Second Semester

Love Comes Softly - Brittney H/C's favorite movie. She introduced it to us and we all loved it. I swear we used to watch that movie once a week. For an entire year.

Your cousin Cody got his mission call to ARGENTINA! YEAH! - I don't remember this at all, but it's in my handwriting. Best Alison and I could figure (Britt I'm sure you'd remember better - I think this was for you?) Brittney's mom called the house phone to tell her Cody got his mission call (Britt didn't have a cell phone our first year) and Britt wasn't home so I took the message and it ended up on the quote wall.

The tree goes down. Kaboom! - We were watching Lion King, or singing the songs. And Brittney got to the line, "The trio's down to two" from Simba and Timon's song, and we all sang "the trio's down to two" and Brittney belts out, "the tree goes down. Kaboom!" HAHAHA.

Is my trial over? (complete with illustrations) - I saw a spider! A gross icky one and it was awful. Then we started to discuss spiders. I showed them pictures of the giant camel spiders. Then I was super jumpy. Then I accidentally dropped my computer and screamed. Then my food boiled over really bad, I think? Then  I dropped the ice tray I think? Something happened with a Sharpie I remember that, but not what exactly happened.  At one point I must have yelled, "is my trial over!?"

We got pickled! - So back before any of us had cars. Nichole and I were walking one night to the cheap theater. It was cold and late and COLD. A car of people went by yelling and making all kinds of ruckus. Next thing I know, I've been hit in the behind with a pickle. As they drove by the guys in the car (I didn't see them so I can't prove that, but my guess is they were a car full of guys. Girls just wouldn't decide on a Friday night to go throw pickles at people in the freezing cold) threw pickles at us and I got nailed right in the booty.

Wow, seems like forever ago this stuff happened. I'm glad Alison kept the quote wall and found it!!!! And it's fun we've all kept in close touch even 7 years later. Friends for life!! :)



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