Love, Brittney

Friday, December 25, 2009

I must have been super good this year...

I got quite a few Christmas' this year, lucky me. I'll just highlight some main gifts from some of the Christmas celebrations.

Gift #1

The first one was with Becki, since she couldn't wait to give me her gift. Although, I already knew what I was getting. She'd been telling me for months. She hates my wallet. She says it is "an insult to women everywhere."

I agree. It is old, grimy and falling apart. You know when people say, "I really need..... " and you think, no, you really don't. Well, I really did need a new wallet. It was falling apart so much that my cards would fall out. You know, my ID cards, debit cards, etc... and I'd have to retrace my steps and there the card would be, on the ground... Yet as bad as I needed a new wallet, I couldn't spend money on one. I either wanted to put the money towards a new car, or spend it on something I really WANT, not NEED, like new boots.

Here are some pictures of my old wallet... Can you see the grime? Gross, I know. Yeah, and it would barely shut and was lop sided.

I just want to say, that I've had this wallet for YEARS. I can barely remember a time before this wallet. And, also to clarify - it was NOT an insult to all women everywhere when I bought it. Also - it was a lovely shade of blue.

This is how Becki felt about this wallet... and our time spent looking for things that had fallen out of it.

This is the brand-spankin-new Christmas wallet Becki gave me.

Is it too obvious to just say that I love it? It is also a lovely shade of blue. But without the grime or fading spots. It holds much more stuff, while being waaaay skinnier. It also holds my keys and my cell phone, hence my pockets are much less bumpy these days. Also, notice the detail? So elegant. And it matches my beautiful new blue coat. I love Blue.

This is exactly how Becki feels about this new wallet of mine. Thanks, Bex, I LOVE IT!

Gift # 2

This gift was bestowed on me by my loving grandparents. I eagerly opened the box they presented me and found...


I kid you not. You thought a Snuggie would be awesome enough, right? But a leopard print Snuggie? There are no words. Here is the box, folks. Just like advertised.

I felt the lady in the commercial did not show the proper enthusiasm such a purchase requires. I'm thinking of signing a contract to model for Snuggie.

I felt a little like Moses. Or Bam-Bam.

Gift #3

A 15 inch MacBook Pro! YEAH!!! Best present ever! And this may be lame - but my favorite part about it so far - it has 8 hours of battery. Yes, that's right. 8 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE.

I seriously got the cutest gifts ever. I would take pictures of each one, but that would be a little extensive. So these three highlights will have to suffice. So much thanks to my wonderful friends and family!


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