Love, Brittney

Friday, April 25, 2014


In high school, Samar nicknamed me PWB.

It stands for Pregnant Woman Bladder.

I always had to pee so often, she said I was like a pregnant woman. We’d joke that when I acutally am pregnant I’m going to just have to camp out in the bathroom the whole pregnancy.

Well, I’m pregnant now and not with just one, but two babies.

I have to pee all the live long day.

And the night.

The nights are the worst. I wake up having to pee sometimes up to 5 times a night (and I am in the supposed easy trimester where you are supposed to pee the least out of the pregnancy. I can't imagine how bad it's going to get in the third trimester where I have two babies dancing on my bladder). 

I also wake up hungry and need to eat. Between peeing and being hungry, I don’t sleep well. I get so exasperated with peeing that I’ve started (unconsciously, sleepily) holding it all night. To the point where I wake up in a lot of pain around 5am. I don’t mean to do it, I’m just so sleepy and don’t want to get up, I just lay there pseudo sleeping until it gets so bad I have to.

Trevor usually tucks me into bed around 9 (any later than that and I just don’t function the next day) and then he lives the bachelor night life.

He’s started now, when he gets in bed around 11-12, to ask me,

“baby, do you need to pee?”

I always say no. I don’t want to get up! I’m cozy and groggy and sooo sleepy.

His next question is always,

“are you lying to me?”

I always say no but I always am.

He usually makes me get up and go anyways.

This, folks, is true love. Waking your pregnant wife up to make sure she pees.


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Blogger Unknown said...

my 3rd trimester I had to wear pads because if I sneezed or stepped too hard I couldn't keep it in. I had to go about every half hour...

May 14, 2014 at 3:14 PM  

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