Love, Brittney

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First Kicks

I've been going nuts for the last month waiting for these guys to kick me! I know in a couple months I'll be on the other end of that emotion, begging them to stop kicking me and leave me alone.

But you hear women talking about feeling their babies kick your whole life – and darnit – I want to feel these babies move! It’s such a surreal experience, growing babies for 5 months and not feeling anything.

When I went to my 20 week ultrasound, the tech told me the reason I haven’t felt them is I have 2 very thick placentas and both are attached to the front of my uterus. So these babies have to get big and strong enough to kick through the placenta in order for me to feel them. LAME. I mean, awesome my placentas are thick, that is great, but I want to feel my kids!

I finally felt movement on Monday, May 19, at 20 weeks 2 days pregnant. I know where they each are – Loki’s head is about even with my belly button on the right side, and her little feet go down to my pelvis.

Thor’s head is under my ribs on my left side, and his feet go towards my belly button/Loki’s head. They do move around a lot, but these seem to be their home bases.

On my way to pick Trevor up from work on Monday, I felt Thor kick me. It was pretty strong too, stronger than I’d expect for my first kick.

Best feeling ever!!!

I haven’t really felt him since. In 2 weeks.

I feel Loki quite a bit now. She kicks quite a bit and I can feel her moving around. Her kicks still aren’t as strong as Thor’s first ones, but she kicks a lot.

It’s been really worrisome for me – to feel Loki but not Thor. I have been so worried if Thor is doing ok.

I went to the Doctor on Tuesday (May 27) and he said that my placenta gets extra thick in the Thor zone, which will mean it’ll take even longer till I can feel him.

Both babies looked great in the ultrasound. Moving around a ton. I told the doctor that Loki has historically moved a ton and Thor has been calmer. But during this ultrasound, Thor was moving as much as his sister.

He took their heart rates, and Loki’s was 160 and Thor’s was 130. Last time I went to the doctor, they had been the same rates and in synch. The doctor said this is completely normal for the rates to vary more as they age. And also, the rates will change with their activity level. As we were talking, Thor started to move more. So the doctor took Thor’s heart rate again, and it had gone to 150! He said this was an amazing sign for a healthy baby and heart. That it is lower resting, and increases with movement.

I felt Thor today for the first time in a couple of weeks, nothing much but I’m pretty sure it was him.

Feeling these guys move is seriously my favorite thing.



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Blogger Unknown said...

awww I want them in my arms. I didn't believe you about being around the size I was when I delivered but based on the pedicure picture and fitting in the booth, you might be right!

May 30, 2014 at 2:32 PM  

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