Love, Brittney

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Getting Me Through

Life has been moving insanely fast lately. I feel like everything is unorganized and I can’t get my feet underneath me.

This is a quote from Elder Eyring from May’s General Conference that has been getting me through lately:

What a beautiful promise. We became unexpectedly pregnant, found out we’re having twins, and are buying a house, all in the space of 6 months. HOLY COW.

So much change. On top of that, we haven’t been married a year yet. Talk about the fast track.

This isn’t at all how we saw our future. We had discussed maybe starting to TRY for a baby in August. We were looking at becoming parents in a little less than 2 years. We were supposed to go home to Saudi for Christmas, so Trevor could see where I grew up. We were supposed to go on a safari with my family, my #1 big dream I’ve been begging for for years. We were working on some health goals and kicking major butt. We were saving for a house. I was job searching to get out of this horrible job I’m currently in.

And then I got pregnant. I got sick, tired and basically became an immobile invalid. Twins. We need somewhere to bring the twins home to…

Here we are 6 months later, and our plans and dreams have totally changed.

Things are moving so quickly, and not in the direction we expected 6 months ago.

So many decisions we’ve had to make, and still have to make. The financial burden of twins and a house is huge, but we really were left with little choice.

Times like this my belief in God is all that gets me through. I have no idea how all this is going to work out, but I know it will. We are being smart and saving and preparing for these changes as best we can.

We know that the Lord wants us to have these babies – there is just no other explanation for their conception in the first place.

And so we go on, knowing that everything will work, that He has a plan and will provide.


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