Love, Brittney

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Late Night Snacking

I have to take the chewable prenatals. The regular kind make me throw up. I can't keep them down.

I ran out of prenatals, so we went to the store to get more.

I saw a brand I hadn't tried before, so I decided to switch things up.

When we got home, I took them. They are so yummy. They taste like fruit snacks (I feel like I'm getting more sugar than vitamins with these chewy kind, but any pills I've taken make me sick and I throw up. So I guess this is better than nothing).

Trevor tried them and agreed - they were better than my other kind.

I go to bed earlier than Trevor can stand, so he tucks me into bed and then he has lots of man time. He'll come to bed hours after I've fallen asleep.

So one night, a couple days after buying the new prenatals, he comes to bed late and I wake up. His breath smells fruity and awesome. I ask him what he's been eating? And he says nothing. I may be pregnant and groggy, but I'm still not that dumb. I ask again, "what have you been eating?"

Finally he says it, "I had some of your prenatals."

I about died. "You wanted a treat that bad you ate my prenatals??" He insisted he wanted to keep up on his vitamins, it was about the health benefits.

YEAH RIGHT. You don't take your wife's chewy prenatals at midnight unless you are desperate for some sugar and have nothing on hand.


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