Love, Brittney

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thor and Loki - 20 Week Anatomy Scan

We went in today for Thor and Loki's 20 week anatomy scan.

They go through their little bodies and measure and make sure everything looks good. It's very thorough and took about half an hour for each baby with the ultrasound tech. Then a resident came in and for 15 minutes seemed to awkwardly redo what the tech had already done. Then the doctor came in and went over some parts of their anatomy the tech couldn’t get (couldn’t get Loki’s spine or a part of her heart. Couldn’t get part of Thor’s heart). So it was a good 2 hours for the ultrasound.

We've definitely got a boy and a girl. Neither is shy about their goods, and Thor is definitely well endowed. For a 10 inch baby at least. Trevor was very proud.

Here is our little man strutting his stuff:

This is the only girl shot of Loki, and I love how you can see Thor's spine next to her. It's so hard to get good shots of them together.

It was amazing to see their hearts beating zoomed in. You could see the aorta and the four chambers, all of it. Same with all the intricate parts of the stomach, lungs, spine, brain… I don’t know how people have a baby or see an ultrasound and doubt God. It truly is an amazing experience.

They look very healthy and good. All their body parts checked out and looked healthy.

The placenta is thick and they each have lots of fluid in their sacs. Apparently sometimes there isn't much fluid and that is bad. Also, the sac separating them is nice and thick and that is really good as well.

Thor continues to be pretty mellow, while Loki is all over the place. It was hilarious while they were trying to measure Thor's head, you kept seeing Loki's hand go in and out of the frame like she was punching him in the head (which she probably was). She also kicked him multiple times. He just sat there and took it. Poor kid is going to come out bruised. 

Here Thor is giving us a big thumbs up to let us know he's doing ok, despite his sisters' beatings:

Loki is also measuring bigger than Thor by 3 ounces. Her estimated due date (based off size) is Sept 24, while Thor's is Oct 4.

They are both measuring large for their age, which is very unusual for twins. That is very good news for them, but pretty bad news for me. 

Here's a good shot of Loki's hand/arm. You can see the bone. So cool! 

Loki's cute little feet! You can see the thick sac separating them, and then there is something of Thor on the other side. Does it make me a bad mom that I look at some of these ultrasounds and have no idea what I'm looking at?

Here is Thor sucking his thumb. Not the best picture, but I've been hoping for a thumb sucking picture of one of them! Thanks for cooperating, Thor!

And finally, a profile shot of Thor:

I haven't felt much, and no kicks yet. I've been pretty morose about it, but the reason is my placenta is super thick (which is good) and is attached to the front of my stomach, so these little guys have to kick hard enough to feel through the placenta, which will take a bit longer.

I did feel something the other day by my rib cage on my left side. I didn't consider the possibility that it could have been one of the babies, because it was so high. When I went in to see my new doctor a couple of weeks ago, he said Loki was still in my pelvis and Thor a little higher.

In those couple of weeks, the babies have risen significantly higher, and that feeling was most likely Thor kicking me. 

It was so cool to watch them during the ultrasound. Loki was moving significantly more than Thor, but they both shifted positions a lot. Loki started out below Thor, upside down.

At one point they were laying parallel. 

Then Thor was clear up by my left rib cage and Loki was down on my right side.

So Loki generally is lower than Thor and on my right side. Thor is higher and is more centered, but shifts to the left.

It's amazing to me I still can't really feel them, but they are so sprawled out inside of me.

It was so fun to see them today. I miss them so much and can't wait to see their beautiful little faces.

It'll be fun to see if their personalities are what they seem to be now - Thor calm and easy going, with Loki restless and always moving! The little diva also wouldn't let the tech see her organs/measure. She put up an enormous fight, while Thor just let the tech do her thing (most of the time...).

We are so grateful for these little babies and love them so much already!


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Blogger Unknown said...

That is SO cool!! And so fun to see them interacting. I have heard of the thick placentas before, it might be a while before you feel a ton but with two I'm sure you will be feeling them a lot!

May 14, 2014 at 7:33 PM  

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