Love, Brittney

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

23.4 Week Ultrasound

We saw the twins today (6-11-14) at 23.4 weeks.

They look AMAZING. Loki is measuring 2 weeks big, and Thor is measuring 4 days big.  Loki is 2lbs and Thor is 1.7lbs - most babies weigh 1.2lbs at 23 weeks. These guys are healthy and huge.

Loki is positioned head down in my cervix, with her brother on top of her - which means I've got the full weight of both of them and their sacs on my cervix which is why I'm in so much pain and can barely walk. 

The whole time we were there they were moving all over the place (Loki's head stayed in my cervix, but she move the rest of her body all over) and Thor was all over. They were kicking and punching me the entire time.

Loki was kicking and punching Thor the whole time as well. He didn't touch her until she got too annoying and then he'd kick her. She'd continue to kick and punch him and eventually he'd snap and kick her again. It was hilarious.

They have my entire huge stomach to hang out in, but they are cuddled on one side together. It's so cute. They just want to be right next to each other, even though they have lots of room - they aren't using it. They are just cuddled together. So even though she bugs him and he finally has it and kicks her, they want to be close. She is in front towards my stomach and he is in back behind her, so it was really hard for the ultrasound tech to get good shots of them because it was hard to tell who was who. They are so tangled together. 

You could see their little personalities shine through, which was really fun. This is the first ultrasound where you could start to see their personalities. At one point the tech was trying to get Thor's face, and he put his hand over his face and turned away. Loki would curl into a ball every time the tech had the thing over her trying to get a shot. She'd squirm and hide. So the tech tricked her into thinking she'd moved the thing, and Loki went back to beating Thor. It was amazing to watch how they are smart and aware of what is going on. 

We got some good profile shots. Thor has a cute button nose and Loki's is a little more pointed. You can tell they look different, just from the ultrasound. It's cool.

I got teary eyed during the ultrasound, which is the first time that has happened this pregnancy (I cried when we found out it was twins, but that was a very different emotion than this time…). As they develop their little personalities are coming through, and as I feel them more it all seems more real. It was amazing to watch them interact together and know they are our babies.

I’m so grateful they are so healthy. I am a worrier by nature, and this pregnancy has been so rough on me physically and mentally that seeing them is the best feeling – that reassurance that everything is ok.

I can’t wait to meet these little guys!



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