Love, Brittney

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Peas Up My Nose

So, you always hear those stories about those kids who get peas stuck in their nose and the mom has to take them into the ER to get them removed.

I read a funny story in the Readers Digest ages ago about a little boy who got a lego stuck in his nose when his dad was watching him. 

The dad tried to get it out to no avail. He took him to the ER to get it removed. When the mom came home, she was totally appalled the dad had taken him to the ER, because it would have been so easy to remove at home. They got into a fight about it. The mom, to prove her point, stuck a lego up her nose to show the dad just how easy it was to get out.

She couldn't get it out. 

So hours after the dad had taken the little boy to the ER to have the lego removed from his nose, he had to take his wife to the ER to get the same lego removed from her nose.


I told Trevor I should probably take my wedding ring off in case of pregnancy swelling, but I didn't want to because I love it so much.

Here it is, the first time it was put on my finger! 

Overnight, my hand BALLOONED.

My ring was stuck.

We tried the last 2 weeks to get it off. I've watched every YouTube tutorial and read every "How To" article on removing rings on swollen fingers. We've tried elevation, icing it ( THAT HURTS!) every kind of lubrication, wrapping it with tape, floss and stretchy band.


It hurt like crazy every single time. And it would get so swollen for the next couple days it would really cut off my circulation. I didn't want to get it cut off - I LOVE MY RING!

So, we went into our fancy pants jewlers. There were adorable couples walking around hand in hand, overwhelmed with love.

The clerks helping were all women, in sophisticated and tight pants suits.

I waddled in, swollenly pregnant with twins, my protruding tummy leading the way. I had to wait for the love-struck couples to finish fawning each other before the way-too-thin and dressed up clerks could come over to me and ask how they could help?

And like the child that has stuck pees up their nose, I had to confess that my ring was lodged on my swollen porky fingers.


They didn't have a ring cutter that could cut through my ring (it's apparently unusually thick).

So that was a bust. ALTHOUGH we did learn that our insurance covered putting the ring together again if cut.

We kept trying to get it off with no luck, and at my next doctors appointment I asked the Dr and nurses if they knew how to get it off? It turned into a whole affair with all the nurses looking at my finger and the doctor announcing he had no idea how to get it off. SIGH.

They recommended getting it cut off.

We waited a couple more days, trying at home with Trevor and at work with coworkers to get the ring off.

Still not budging.

At this point, my finger is in pain because the circulation has been cut off. 2 weeks of trying to get it off has landed me in the option of getting it cut off. 


(you can see how tight this poor ring is on my finger)

So, I went into the Instacare near my work. I waddled up to the desk and once again had to explain how my ring was swollen on my finger and I couldn't get it off. Still embarrassing. And this is the third time I've had to publicly explain this whole situation. 

And every time people offer the same suggestions... "have you tried..." Yes, I've tried EVERYTHING. TWICE.

Here is my finger after my ring was cut off.

It's a pretty good thing I finally got it cut off. My finger was in pretty bad shape.

And here is my poor cut ring! It made me so sad.

Note to self - next time I get pregnant, take my ring off the moment the strip turns pink!!!!!

(In case you were wondering, Trevor thought the whole thing was hilarious. I'd be crying and he'd be laughing).


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Blogger Unknown said...

oohhh nooo :( that is so sad!

May 14, 2014 at 3:26 PM  

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